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Kate Price

Based in Rotterdam.

Sand Lily, Pancratium maritimum (Endangered Species)

Glass, soil, sand, resin

The sand lily, or sea daffodil, is an endangered flowering bulb species growing in the Sinop region within the sandy banks of the coastline. Within this monumental work soil and sand collected from the city have been formed into paints by the artist, their black, brown, and golden pigments now rendering an impression of this endemic plant on a glass panel. Drawing from a botanical illustration by Jacopo Ligozzi (1580c), the image of the sand lily is in this moment now transformed into a collaborative act of Price and the soils, her painterly mark making in dialogue with its unstable properties, the raw texture and muddy fluidity. In this way the form is 'grounded' with organic materials of the plant's own environment - the window vista of the Sinopian landscape and warm sunlight peeking through the work's exposed glass further joining this entangled conversation. Through these attentions Price honors a species at the brink of extinction largely due to human urbanization, hoping to highlight the importance of reciprocal and ecologically considerate practices.

*The Gardens of Sinope project is realized with the support of “Spaces for Culture” as part of Sinopale 9.

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Sinopale Office Address

Kaleyazısı Neighborhood, Hal Aralığı Street, Sinop Hal Building Sinop, Türkiye 57000


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